Grasham Studios

Morgan & Eric Grasham are an international artist duo, most known for their Meow Wolf projects, that are informed by science fiction and whose works emphasize authoring the future by embracing otherness and speculative living.
They play with a unique constellation of skillsets and experience, creating everything from large public sculpture and immersive mixed reality installations to wearables and ceramics. Their work and lives are influenced by several years' artist residency in studios in west Texas, California, and Washington. They earned their MFAs in 2020/2023 from University of North Texas where they taught Sculpture and Ceramics respectively. The Grashams are founding board members of The Art Spirit Collective a 501c3 arts outreach nonprofit organization. It's their personal mission to "spread the art spirit" and serve the community with their skills whenever possible.
The Grashams most recently exhibited their independently produced project Fluxums' Frolic at Artspace Raleigh NC, as well as out of a public mobile platform for the city of Mansfield, Tx. They have worked on projects for Meow Wolf Grapevine, Netflix through Lime Media, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (Seaworld Parks & Entertainment), I.A.T.S.E. and the Perot Museum of Nature & Science, Tinc Productions, Flying Squirrel Sports Indoor Trampoline Park, Malibu Jack's Fun Park, and more.
The Grashams use durable materials for more interactive and inclusive multisensory programming, combining metal work, hard foam and epoxy sculpting, uv cured resins, mold making and casting, laser cutting, CNC routing, hardcoating and fiberglass, airbrushing and painting.
From the Fluxums' Frolic program written by Creative Director of Artspace in Raleigh, NC, Annah Lee:
"In allowing ourselves to be immersed in speculative living, we expand our capacity for acceptance and connection. Imagined realities can strengthen our ability to embrace new perspectives and possibilities and approach our daily lives with an enlivened sense of wonder and excitement. In the Grashams' world, fiction is an essential tool to create a better reality for all."